A couple of weeks ago, I started capturing Twitter data that had the hashtag #Plantpower in the tweet. I wrote about the motivation for this in another blog post. This information is stored in a database that is automatically updated over time. This post is intended to help people learn how to use Tableau dashboards that are connected to this database.
With an average 25 tweets per day, it doesn’t take long to establish a viable database of information related to the topic of interest, which is in this case plant-powered nutrition. Â One of the great things about Twitter is that is allows you to follow topics that are important to you or that you are interested in. Â In this way, you can get maximum benefit from a service like Twitter for a minimum of time. Â The downside to this service is that the information is fleeting. Â You might find something one day that you want to remember, but if you don’t tag it or save it somehow, the information will likely be lost to you in the future. Â Hence, the concept of saving the information to a database is useful and it allows me to give people access to the information through a powerful series of dashboards.
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The topic of this post is learning how to use these dashboards most effectively.  The software company Tableau provides us with a mechanism to view databases containing up to 1 million lines of information for free.  This service is called Tableau Public, and if you don’t already know about this product, you should do yourself a favor and follow the link to learn more. If you are interested in the #Plantpower database, it can be accessed by clicking here.  To learn how to use this database effectively, watch the video below.