A #Tableau Powered Dashboard for The Rich Roll Podcast Series


Rich Roll is helping a lot of people to better understand how plant-powered nutrition can improve athletic performance and lead to better overall health and vitality.

In the process of accomplishing this mission, he is assembling a fantastic resource for all of us.  Beginning in November, 2012, Rich started his podcast series that focuses on how proper nutrition can dramatically impact our lives.  Now with 56 episodes completed, I decided to create a couple of Tableau dashboards to help me find information when I need it.  These podcasts average about 2 hours each and they have an unbelievable amount of helpful information.  I plan on maintaining this dashboard into the future because it is such a valuable resource.

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I have generated two Rich Roll inspired dashboard sets based on the following data sets:  (1) a collection of all Twitter activity for the hashtag #plantpower beginning on July 20, 2013, and (2) information on the Rich Roll Podcasts beginning on Nov 27, 2012.

The content of the #plantpower database continues to grow everyday and is updated about once a week.  This content of this database is displayed as a series of five dashboards as shown in Figure 1.  Be sure to look at the content of each dashboard because they each give you separate capabilities of investigating the data.  The dashboards are shown along the top of the figure as a series of tabs labeled (1) Tweet_Search (2) Tweet_Details (3) Tweeter_Details (4) Time_Trends and (5) High_Volume.  If you want to know more about how or why these dashboards were created, click here or click here.  If you want to view search the #plantpower database to find information using these dashboards, you can do so by clicking here.

Plantpower dashboard

Figure 1 – The five #plantpower dashboards.

The second database of Rich Roll Podcast information continues to grow as Rich creates new Podcasts.   Currently, the content of this database is displayed as a series of  two dashboards as shown in Figure 2.  Be sure to look at the content of each dashboard because they each give you separate capabilities of investigating the data.  The dashboards are shown along the top of the figure as a series of tabs labeled (1) Rich_Roll_Podcast and (2) Podcast_Topic.   The first dashboard simply shows the episodes in order, from newest to oldest.  The second dashboard has the podcasts organized by topic and subtopic.  The Rich Roll Podcast Podcast dashboard can be accessed by clicking here.


Figure 2 – Two separate dashboards are currently included in the Rich Roll Podcast Tableau workbook.

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