My Top 10 Favorite Things About #Alteryx


Alteryx has a new community for everyone to use. It is fantastic. Do yourself a favor and click here to go join this special placeIf you do, you can start earning some really cool badges as shown in Figure 0!


Figure 0 – A small sampling of some of the Alteryx badges you can earn. I like the rocket ship the best.

The 10 Favorite Things I Love About Alteryx Contest

Alteryx just announced the winner of a contest that was called “10 Things I Love About Alteryx”. The reason that I really enjoyed this contest is that the submissions came from real Alteryx users. By reading the entries, it was very easy to feel the passion that Alteryx users have for the company in general, for the workers at the company, and for the product itself. Figure 1 contains the top 10 “one-liners” selected from the contest.

Top 10 Logo

Figure 1 – The Top 10 Things People Love About Alteryx.

There were many entries to the contest, but I’m going to put a couple of links to my favorite entries here.

The Winner

Click here or on Figure 2 to go to the Alteryx website to see the winning entry by Gabor Szalai.  It was so good, I have to show it in Figure 2.


Figure 2 – Gabor Szalai’s winning entry.

Why do I like his entry? He summarizes how fun it is to use Alteryx because of its power, utility, potential, and the total command it gives us to solve problems. His was a very thoughtful entry.

My Favorite Entry

Click here or on Figure 3 to watch a cool multi-media extravaganza built by the one and only Dr Love – aka, Mr Zen Ace, aka @chrisluv.


Figure 3 – Chris Love’s submission. I can only imagine how long that took to make! Great work.

My Entry

Click here or on Figure 4 if you want to see my entry, which is quite boring coming on the heels of Dr. Love’s video!

I focus on the people behind the product. Without the people, there is no product! I’ll always remember my first interview with Lisa and I’ll always remember Nikki taking Jett’s hand at the Inspire 2015 conference, looking me in the eye and saying “Don’t worry, I’ve got him. Go take care of business and we will see you in a few minutes.”  When I returned, I had a happy boy with toys, a badge, and other goodies. Now those are the things you get with Alteryx that go way beyond the product.

Also, the more I use the community website, the more I love it and it is quickly rising into my top 10 favorite things about Alteryx.


Figure 4 – My submission which focuses on the people that make the Alteryx product. This is a tremendously passionate, talented group of people that are creating something so powerful that even Microsoft paid attention to what they are doing.

The Other Entries

The following Figures shows some snippets from the other submissions. I encourage you to join the community and go take a look at the entries if you want to know more about what customers are really saying about Alteryx.

If you are serious about your future in analytics, it is time to get on-board the Alteryx rocket ship because this company is going to blast off to a place higher than we can imagine!

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