Notes to My Unborn Son



My child arrived just the other day… and now five years have come and gone. All of the things we have done have happened in what seems like a few moments of time. You have been everything I have hoped you would be to me and our family, plus a whole lot more.

With your 5th birthday now in the rears, I thought it would be a good idea for me to go back to the beginning. I want to share with you the things I wrote to you before you were born.  Jett, I also wanted to take a moment to thank you for being my son. I am proud to be your dad.

The Notes

Before Jett was born, I started writing notes to him. The following figures contain the short notes I wrote to him before he was born on 9/1/11.

Figure 1 shows the dates each message was written, starting on 6/1/11, or three months before he was born. The notes were sent to his Gmail account that I created in anticipation of his arrival. I even created a Twitter account for him 44 days before he was born! This conclusively validates the true nature of my dorkiness.


Figure 1 – The notes I wrote to Jett before he was born. Click on any figure to expand the view.

June 1, 2011 (92 days before birth)


Figure 2 – 92 days before birth.

June 9, 2011 (84 days before birth)


Figure 3 – 84 days before birth.

July 19, 2011 (44 days before birth)


Figure 4 – 44 days before birth.

July 22, 2011 (41 days before birth)


Figure 5 – 41 days before birth.

August 2, 2011 (30 days before birth)


Figure 6 – 30 days before birth.

August 10, 2011 (22 days before birth)


Figure 7 – 22 days before birth.

August 12, 2011 (20 days before birth)


Figure 8 – 20 days before birth.

August 18, 2011 (14 days before birth)


Figure 9 – 14 days before birth.

August 22, 2011 (10 days before birth)


Figure 10 – 10 days before birth.

August 30, 2011 (2 days before birth)


Figure 11 – 2 days before birth.

September 1, 2011 (Your birthday)


Figure 12 – The day you were born.

September 4, 2011 (3 days old)


Figure 13 – You were 3 days old.

September 7, 2011 (6 days old)


Figure 14 – You were 6 days old.

Jett At 5 Years Old

Dear Jett,

As a way of celebrating your beautiful impact on our lives, I offer a selection of pictures of you from the past month. You can see how much love and fun you have added to our lives!


Dad (9/26/16) – You are now 5 years old and 26 days, or 1,852 days old.

jett_at_5_1 jett_at_5_2 jett_at_5_3 jett_at_5_4 jett_at_5_5 jett_at_5_6 jett_at_5_7 jett_at_5_8 jett_at_5_9 jett_at_5_10 jett_at_5_11 jett_at_5_12 jett_at_5_13 jett_at_5_14 jett_at_5_15 jett_at_5_16 jett_at_5_17 jett_at_5_18 jett_at_5_19 jett_at_5_20 jett_at_5_21jett_at_5_22jett_at_5_23

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