Sensory Overload Via #Tableau
Tableau stimulates my senses. It has been doing that for a very long time. I think this is one of the reasons that this piece of software has been so transformative for so many people.
Tableau stimulates my senses. It has been doing that for a very long time. I think this is one of the reasons that this piece of software has been so transformative for so many people.
This is test 4 of a series that compares Tableau to Power BI. The purpose of this test is to see which program could read a file fastest and allow the generation of a simple time series graphic.
Jett is learning about how he can give back to others through a charitable mission. You have to read the article to find out what it is.
This article gives some technical approaches to converting shapefiles to polygons that can be drawn in Tableau. Two methods are reviewed.
In part 3 of this series, I compare the ability of Power BI and Tableau to produce dual-axis time series charts. I never know what is going to happen when I do these tests. I create them and then let the chips fall as they may.
I am a car tester that happens to love data and technology. When all of these things are brought together in one fantastic package, I just had to find a way to talk about my insights. My oh my, I can’t believe how quickly cars are changing from year to year.
A long time ago I discovered a breathing technique that allowed me to lift very heavy weights. The more I study the techniques of Wim Hof, the more I’m convinced that I also discovered how to control my adrenaline system on-demand.
I can’t even begin to express how deep this article is. It spans decades and it exploded from deep within my brain one day. My life and a long-term study of life is featured in this article.
The story is big, deep and more bloated than I wanted it to be, but sometimes that just happens. I tried but I was not able to cut it down to size without losing meaning. I think if you read it, it will be a thoughtful experience.
This article started out as a comment to a comment to a comment. etc. I just got tired of this senseless series of personal attacks by a man named George. So instead of burying my response down deep in my comment section, I thought I’d raise the visibility up a bit so that people can see for themselves what can happen when a good deed gets transformed into a personal attack.
Android has ruled my world. The Apple iPhone has not. After all these years, I’m going to give it a try. I’m going to find out whether I’m a moron that cannot adapt to “easy to use” technology, or if the technology isn’t really easy to use. Maybe I’ll be surprised by the results this time.
This is test #2 of Tableau vs Power BI using real-world data. The goal in this test was to see how each package could visualize flowing water as it moves across the 3D topographic surface of the Livingstone District.
In this brief story, I offer to you an insight that took me a long time and a lot of practice to uncover. I think this insight in one of the secrets of why Tableau has become so popular with so many people.
It was the best time of my professional career. The potential good that could come from this work is monumental. Unfortunately, I don’t do this type of work anymore. Such is life.
This is test #1 of Tableau vs Power BI using real-world data. The goal in this test was to see how each package could visualize high-resolution topographic data.
It was the summer of 1986. I got to sleep under the ski chair lifts in Vail Colorado as I followed the world’s greatest cyclists as they rode around Colorado. I can’t think of a better thing to do when you are 23 years old.