Vikings, Throwing Axes, and Trips to La-La Land

Before we go any further, let me preface this article in this way: In this story, there is data, there is science, there is a problem and there is a solution. There is also some suffering. Therefore this article fits perfectly in the context of this blog!

Impressions From Our First Month Of Using #PowerBI

After a bit of cooperation between friends, I decided to continue the Power BI analysis. We want to document how Power BI stacks-up against the Alteryx + Tableau combination that is so successful at producing great data comprehension and visualizations. This series should be interesting over the next few months as we try to document what it is like to learn Power BI when you are a Power Alteryx and Tableau users.

Notes to My Unborn Son

I love the music of the late/great Harry Chapin. I promised myself way back in the late 1970’s that I would not become the father in the song “Cats in the Cradle”. I appreciate every day I have, and every once in a while I have to remind myself of the beauty, love and inspiration that surrounds me. This is one of those stories.

How To Achieve Better Data Comprehension, Part 1

Some articles form quickly, some take a long time to gel. Twenty, thirty, forty drafts of this one have not been enough.

I don’t know how I can possibly explain to people who might be interested in learning how to become better workers with data, but I have tried to do it with this writing. I have tried to explain what has taken me 30 years to realize.

This work is borderline philosophical but it is based in experience and backed by my observations on what works and what does not work when it comes to achieving better data comprehension.

The Times of Our Lives – Via Google Photos

Google is an amazing company that is delivering value to me every single minute of every day. One of the tools I use from them is Google Photos. This application is fantastic and has progressed dramatically over the past few years. The facial recognition accuracy, via deep learning neural networks, is outstanding. I’ve been waiting for the right time to do this project, so now I’m pumped to be able to complete this work.

Should You Believe Your Website Traffic Data?

I thought that is would be interesting to compare Google Analytics to Wordpress Analytics. I expected these platforms would produce nearly identical data. What I found, however, was much different than my expectation. The research for this work will need to continue.

The Biggest Insult of My Life And How I Still Laugh About It

If you have ever had an insult thrown in your face, you must read this story. It happened to me and a couple of awesome co-workers about 12 years ago when an audacious and outlandish person we just met suddenly threw direct insults at us like he was throwing darts at a dartboard. Prior to this experience, I never knew people could behave this way.