DATA is to Life, as Math is to Science

I can’t even begin to express how deep this article is. It spans decades and it exploded from deep within my brain one day. My life and a long-term study of life is featured in this article.

The story is big, deep and more bloated than I wanted it to be, but sometimes that just happens. I tried but I was not able to cut it down to size without losing meaning. I think if you read it, it will be a thoughtful experience.

Notes to My Unborn Son

I love the music of the late/great Harry Chapin. I promised myself way back in the late 1970’s that I would not become the father in the song “Cats in the Cradle”. I appreciate every day I have, and every once in a while I have to remind myself of the beauty, love and inspiration that surrounds me. This is one of those stories.

The Wimberley, TX Flood – Part 1

Introduction On May 23, 2015, a flash flood formed in the Blanco River and slammed the residents of Wimberley, TX. Houses were instantaneously removed from their foundations, giant trees were snapped in half, and tree bark was removed for over 30 feet into the air because the depth of the flood was so great. The…

Breaking Bad 2.0

“Why ask the question, if you aren’t going to follow the directions?” Introduction This post is not what you think it is going to be.  This has nothing to do with the critically-acclaimed show of a similar title.  That show was brilliant and ended with Badfinger’s “Baby Blue“.  This post contains nothing but pure, unadulterated badness created…

Playing blocks with Jett

Introduction Jett is now 2.5 years old.  He knows his ABC’s, can count to 20 in English and to 10 in Spanish.  His brain is a sponge.  So tonight, we decided to play with his new group of blocks to practice learning words and the difference between small and capital letters.  It was a lot…

Making an old-time movie of Jett’s second birthday

Today was Jett’s second birthday.  We took pictures throughout the day, starting about 10 am and ending about 4:30 pm.  During those 6.5 hours, over 1650 pictures were taken.  Normally my extraordinarily talented wife Toni will turn these pictures into a book printed by the service Shutterfly.  I love these books.  They are very special…