A Short Story of Good Karma
This is a glimpse into my life with my son Jett, as I try to teach him lessons of life. Each night I read with him and tell him a story about some aspect of life on planet earth.
This is a glimpse into my life with my son Jett, as I try to teach him lessons of life. Each night I read with him and tell him a story about some aspect of life on planet earth.
It has taken me a while to understand something important about Alteryx and Tableau. Each of these products are very sticky. By sticky, I mean that I have become dependent upon them to do a lot of different jobs. They both are great products for different reasons, but the combination of them is hard to beat when working with data.
It is not easy to explain the significance of the global warming work that I am doing. There are times, however, when the data sets align perfectly and I try to use the information to help people understand global warming. Today is one of those days – July 25, 2019.
I have been on a mission for five years. This mission continues to fascinate me as Mother Nature is sharing her secrets with me. I have been working to understand global warming so that I can teach people about what is really happening on our planet. This is my story.
Each day I get to fulfill my analytics dreams. This occurs because of great software from Alteryx, Tableau, and Mapbox, as well as having very talented friends like Allan Walker and Anya A’Hearn. To learn about my latest global warming insights, read this article.
As part of the NFL Big Data Bowl in late 2018, I created a presentation that discusses how I explored game data to uncover insights on how NFL player speed can lead to NFL success. The results weren’t always what I expected them to be!
Racing up a lighthouse isn’t an everyday experience. When you try to beat your 7-year-old, it becomes abundantly clear that you’ve had to much computer time and not enough training time!
YouTube is king when it comes to reaching people with your message. There is no doubt in my mind that this is true. In this video, I give several examples that compare and contrast the effectiveness of YouTube, Linked-In, and Wordpress.
In this episode, I discuss and show a few examples of the beautiful, precise, and functional Bridge City woodworking tools.
This is the story of how I created my first woodworking project. This story goes way back to the mid-1960’s. I wonder if I owe my love of woodworking to my first mentor.
In Episode 20 of the Kenny Cool series, I give thanks to my Aunt Birdie who taught me a sure-fire hiccup cure. It has never failed me and now you can give her thanks the next time you have a case of the hiccups.
In KC Special Episode #2, I revisit a decision I made to bypass a job offer from Microsoft, back in the 1988. I sometimes wonder how different my life history would be had I taken that job, although I would still make the same decision today knowing how my life has unfolded!
In the first Kenny Cool special edition video, I thank Tableau for choosing me to be a 2019 Zen Master. I explain some behind the scenes attempts I made to work for Tableau. Even though I was never hired, I continued to pursue my Tableau passions ,and now I am a bit of a Tableau historian.
In Kenny Cool Episode #4, I discuss the various methods available for using the Data Blends Blog.
In Kenny Cool episode #3, I discuss a really cool antique desk that features an internal locking system.