You Must Watch Gleason
Watching Gleason was the best two hours I have experienced in a long time. I became transfixed, unable to take my eyes off the movie as I fought back the emotions that upwelled in my throat.
Watching Gleason was the best two hours I have experienced in a long time. I became transfixed, unable to take my eyes off the movie as I fought back the emotions that upwelled in my throat.
This is an article I didn’t really want to write. However, I felt that I needed to write it to help me formulate a plan of action for a difficult situation my family has encountered.
All work and no play makes Kenny a dull boy. Every once in a while, I have to write something silly to offset all the computations and deep thinking that I do.
I had an idea about global climate changes that I wanted to investigate. When the analysis was finished, the results surprised me and have helped me begin to understand the air temperature changes that are occurring around the world.
I am on a quest to learn about global climate changes. I am using the power of Alteryx and Tableau to analyze various types of climactic data from around the world.
It was 40 years ago when these pictures were taken and compiled into a year book. Time sure does fly when you are having fun.
Creating time lapse movies is a fun thing to do. On a recent vacation, I created a series of small movies to share the experiences we had.
This article is part 5 of the 3danim8 Blogging Experimental analysis, although I didn’t intend it to be. It just happened. A good life can be made a great life if you understand the role of creativity in your life. In this article, I have come full-circle in understanding something that has eluded me for my whole lifetime. This something is called Big Magic.
Mary Barra has been the CEO of General Motors for less than three years. During this time, GM has been undergoing major transformations within certain divisions and in the way that business is conducted. The results have been very impressive under Mary’s leadership.
This is part 4 of 3danim8’s blogging experimental analysis. This article investigates how I use level of detail calculations to help me visualize three key measures that describe blog article readership performance.
Tableau stimulates my senses. It has been doing that for a very long time. I think this is one of the reasons that this piece of software has been so transformative for so many people.
This is test 4 of a series that compares Tableau to Power BI. The purpose of this test is to see which program could read a file fastest and allow the generation of a simple time series graphic.
Jett is learning about how he can give back to others through a charitable mission. You have to read the article to find out what it is.
This article gives some technical approaches to converting shapefiles to polygons that can be drawn in Tableau. Two methods are reviewed.
In part 3 of this series, I compare the ability of Power BI and Tableau to produce dual-axis time series charts. I never know what is going to happen when I do these tests. I create them and then let the chips fall as they may.