A Special Counting and Labeling Technique in #Tableau

Introduction Although Tableau gives us many ways of counting and labeling data points on the charts we create, every once in a while we have to be creative to get the counting and labeling the way we want it to be.  This post shows one example that required me to be a little creative to get…

A Tip on Using Big Data csv files with #Tableau

Introduction I have used many hundreds of comma-delimited (*.csv) files with Tableau over the past few years. I like to use csv files because Tableau reads them really fast and I can easily build gigantic files. Over the years, I have been using business-related files that have continued to increase in size from thousands, to millions,…

The Pinnacle of Pain

Introduction It was about one year ago tonight when I discovered what maximum pain really  means.  It was Good Friday night in 2013 at about 1 am, and I was getting ready for bed and taking a natural break.  Suddenly and without warning, Mike Tyson, in the prime of his boxing career, entered my bathroom…

Breaking Bad 2.0

“Why ask the question, if you aren’t going to follow the directions?” Introduction This post is not what you think it is going to be.  This has nothing to do with the critically-acclaimed show of a similar title.  That show was brilliant and ended with Badfinger’s “Baby Blue“.  This post contains nothing but pure, unadulterated badness created…