How I Have Been Having Fun With #Tableau and Medical Data

Introduction About two months ago, I received a few files that contained patient hospitalization data from a group of  hospitals.  For this, I will be forever grateful because I’ve had a lot of fun working with the data.  After giving me the files, one senior analyst told me: “Good luck to you because no one has ever been…

Playing blocks with Jett

Introduction Jett is now 2.5 years old.  He knows his ABC’s, can count to 20 in English and to 10 in Spanish.  His brain is a sponge.  So tonight, we decided to play with his new group of blocks to practice learning words and the difference between small and capital letters.  It was a lot…

When is a “Set” Not a “Complete Set” in #Tableau?

Introduction I use the “set” functionality in Tableau for a lot of different things.  “Sets” are very useful to me and I am still trying to learning how to use them effectively in my work. Because there are multiple techniques for creating sets in Tableau, there might be better techniques available to control the set…

Part 2 – The Patrick Leach Tool Story (Circa 1995)

Preamble Date:    Mon, 22 May 1995 07:31:44 EDT From:    Patrick Leach <leach@BEDFORD.PROGRESS.COM> Subject: Re: (was Re: Bagging and Emmert! (was re: Bagging the big iron)) Patrick Olguin <polgu@PARACEL.COM> writes: >[shameless bragging deleted] >I love these stories. Keep ’em coming guys. OK, Paddy O’Deen, of Parts Unknown, HaHaHalifornia, you asked for it. Now it’s my turn…