When is a “Set” Not a “Complete Set” in #Tableau?

Introduction I use the “set” functionality in Tableau for a lot of different things.  “Sets” are very useful to me and I am still trying to learning how to use them effectively in my work. Because there are multiple techniques for creating sets in Tableau, there might be better techniques available to control the set…

Part 2 – The Patrick Leach Tool Story (Circa 1995)

Preamble Date:    Mon, 22 May 1995 07:31:44 EDT From:    Patrick Leach <leach@BEDFORD.PROGRESS.COM> Subject: Re: alt.tools.hunting (was Re: Bagging and Emmert! (was re: Bagging the big iron)) Patrick Olguin <polgu@PARACEL.COM> writes: >[shameless bragging deleted] >I love these stories. Keep ’em coming guys. OK, Paddy O’Deen, of Parts Unknown, HaHaHalifornia, you asked for it. Now it’s my turn…

How Fast is #Tableau in Reading Structured Data Files?

Introduction I have always liked to benchmark computer programs. For that reason, I thought it would be fun to see how fast Tableau is in reading typical structured data sets that I have used in Process Improvement work. The question I want to specifically answer is: How fast does Tableau read data from a character-separated…