Viz gone wrong – they should have used #Tableau!

Today (8/8/13), CNN Money posted a story about Golfers and the “Major Money” they make by winning Major tournaments.  Conceptually the visualization is very good but the execution is just OK (I can think of a few improvements). The biggest problem: the data is WRONG!  Check it out for yourself by clicking here!  They should…

Save Some Time by Using This Table of Useful #Tableau Hyperlinks

The Tableau website offers an enormous amount of valuable information to its users.  The company Tableau has been very proactive in creating great training materials such as white papers, videos, articles, etc., and I’ve seen a continual buildup of this content over the past six years as a daily Tableau user.  I really appreciate what…

Using #Tableau to Clean My Hard-Drive!

Are you a digital hoarder?  I might be but I am committed to cleaning up my hard-drive!  If you need to do some cleaning on your system, you can use Tableau to help you find the biggest offending files and to direct your clean-up activities.  The reason for doing this is that you may be…