Alteryx Strategies For Solving Tough Problems

This article describes some concepts and methods I use when building more advanced workflows. In some ways, writing workflows is analogous to writing computer programs. You have think critically about what you want to accomplish. By breaking the problem down into small pieces and solving those, complex workflows become more manageable.

Benchmarking the Alteryx Fuzzy Matching Tool

I’m a guy that likes to know how things work. By its very nature, interpreting results from a fuzzy matching algorithm can be a bit fuzzy. The reduce the fuzziness, I got down and dirty and did a couple of sensitivity analyses on the fuzzy matching tool to gain a better understanding of how it works.

My General Motors Story

In this article, I give answers to three questions I was recently asked on a General Motors podcast. The questions were: (1) What brought you here? (2) What keeps me here? and (3) How does my job move GM forward?.

Tableaupedia, Part 1

Tableaupedia is a tool that I have built to save me time. Since I teach people to use Tableau, I have to have quick access to information and this tool allows me to find what I need very fast.

The Conclusion of My #Tableau Blogging Experiment

By writing this blog, I was simply pursuing my passions. I allowed the blog to meander across topics because my passion is widespread. I wrote about techniques in math, science, Tableau and Alteryx. I solved problems and I shared stories. I met many new friends. I got better in the field of analytics because I connected to a wide group of really talented people. I loved that experience and as I now know, I was driven to learn. It was fantastic journey that included 1/8 of a million blog hits and one that I will always be glad that I took.