Hard Jobs Made Easy Using #Alteryx

Introduction For four months (October 2013 to January 2014) I did a job that was tough. It was tedious, time consuming, and it caused Tableau to buckle under the pressure of multiple data sources, multiple data joins, and difficulties with data formats.

Methods for Sorting Big Data

Introduction Sorting data is fundamental technique and is a skill that anyone that frequently works with data needs to possess. I have sorted a lot of data through the years, for many different reasons. Sometimes the only way to get a job done when working with a wide variety of data sources that might include periodic data…

3danim’s Blog is About Solving Problems

Introduction This is blog post number 101, and I now have a clarity about 3danim8’s blog that I did not have before I started writing it a year and a half ago. It took me writing the previous 100 blog posts to gain this clear vision and to develop my mission statement. It only took me 536 days,…

A Tip on Using Big Data csv files with #Tableau

Introduction I have used many hundreds of comma-delimited (*.csv) files with Tableau over the past few years. I like to use csv files because Tableau reads them really fast and I can easily build gigantic files. Over the years, I have been using business-related files that have continued to increase in size from thousands, to millions,…

Using #Tableau to Clean My Hard-Drive!

Are you a digital hoarder?  I might be but I am committed to cleaning up my hard-drive!  If you need to do some cleaning on your system, you can use Tableau to help you find the biggest offending files and to direct your clean-up activities.  The reason for doing this is that you may be…