DATA is to Life, as Math is to Science

I can’t even begin to express how deep this article is. It spans decades and it exploded from deep within my brain one day. My life and a long-term study of life is featured in this article.

The story is big, deep and more bloated than I wanted it to be, but sometimes that just happens. I tried but I was not able to cut it down to size without losing meaning. I think if you read it, it will be a thoughtful experience.

The Biggest Insult of My Life And How I Still Laugh About It

If you have ever had an insult thrown in your face, you must read this story. It happened to me and a couple of awesome co-workers about 12 years ago when an audacious and outlandish person we just met suddenly threw direct insults at us like he was throwing darts at a dartboard. Prior to this experience, I never knew people could behave this way.

The Secret of Joe Mako

Where do we derive inspiration and passion to help others? I think I now have a clearer picture in my mind of what makes Joe Mako do what he does. In this article, I will tell you a story to help you understand what I mean.

My Thoughts On Being Selected As An #Alteryx ACE

Introduction Last week, I drove over 4,000 miles to spend a couple of days in Boston, MA. It was a delightful journey for many reasons. This article will explain what I did and why I took this cross-country journey. I will also explain what it means to me to be selected as an Alteryx ACE.

When is a “Set” Not a “Complete Set” in #Tableau?

Introduction I use the “set” functionality in Tableau for a lot of different things.  “Sets” are very useful to me and I am still trying to learning how to use them effectively in my work. Because there are multiple techniques for creating sets in Tableau, there might be better techniques available to control the set…