Moving Soil and Stone


Today was a tough day. I’m glad it is over.

Getting Sod For The Backyard

Today started early because the sod had to be picked-up at 7:30 am. There were two palettes with a total weight between 4 and 5 thousand pounds. This is what the first palette looked like before the shit hit the fan.


Apparently, the guy driving the forklift didn’t have the forks in the proper position because as he tried to put the pallet into the trailer, the pallet snapped in half and the sod crumpled into the trailer.

This meant that I had I had the privilege of moving each roll of sod from the back of the trailer to the front, one by one. By the time I was finished, my lower back was stressed. Luckily, the second pallet was loaded properly and the day got rolling.

Although it doesn’t look like much, moving sod isn’t an easy job. Toni and I had to move 1000 sq ft of sod from the trailer into the back yard. This is what it looked like in the trailer.

This is what it looked like while we did the work. I can tell you that it took us a lot longer than 20 seconds to move that sod.

Getting Rock For One of the Gardens

As if this wasn’t enough work for one day, I had the brilliant idea of getting about 4 thousand pounds of rock for our garden. This is what that rock looked like in the trailer.


This is what it looked like as we placed the rock into one of the gardens. I can tell you it took a lot longer than 19 seconds to move this rock. I thought this task would never end. Tomorrow we will put some finishing touches on the work from today.

The Reward

The only reward we could think of was taking a dip in the pool. That made all the work seem like a distant memory.

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