How I Am Making Changes to Live Longer (Project Reset – Part 1)



Recent research indicates that we have two ages – a chronological age and a biological age. In project reset, I’m going to see if I can reset my biological age (phenotypic age) in hopes of living a longer and healthier life. Obviously, there is nothing we can do about our chronological age.


I began Project Reset nearly 6 years ago when I switched my diet from omnivorous to vegetarian. I made that switch in response to the information I gathered by reading Finding Ultra and listening to the early Rich Roll Podcasts. Now after completing several hundred hours of additional podcasts, the information I have learned has been extensive and transformative. I encourage everyone interested in living a longer, more healthy and fulfilled life to explore Rich’s universe of guests.

Even with the relatively minor dietary changes I have made, I have seen improvements in my blood chemistry and overall feeling of well-being. There is no question about that. However, when I consider my goal of living at least into my mid-90’s, I realize that there is more for me to do. Hence, I made the decision to go deeper, to transform my body into a more sustainable form. I decided to attack project reset with more conviction.

Last week, CNN published this article that caught my attention. If you spend 2 minutes to watch the introductory video, you will see that it is now possible to measure our phenotypic age (i.e., biological age). If your phenotypic age is less than your chronological age, you will live longer. If the reverse is true, you will be susceptible to an early death.

The Motivation and Start of Project Reset

When my wife and I switched to a vegetarian diet about 6 years ago, I noticed immediate benefits – clearer thinking, lower blood sugar, lower cholesterol, improved stamina, better daily energy flow (no bonk periods in mid-afternoon), among other things. Some of those changes were quantified via blood tests while others were just determined via simple observations.

Since I have a 7-year old son and I want to live a long time to be around to watch him become an adult, I’ve got to make changes now that will extend my lifetime. The good news is that I’m starting from a healthy position. I don’t have any debilitating issues, I don’t require medicine, and I am clear-headed.

All indicators are that I should be able to successfully complete project reset. It might not be easy to do, but I’m going to do it. This article series will document how I do it and will quantify the changes that have occurred during the project.

A project like this is especially important for a person like me that works a sedentary job. After all, I’ve been tapping on keyboards for over 30 years now. That isn’t exactly the definition of a physically strenuous job.

The Project Reset Details

At this time, I don’t know how long it will take me to reach my new reset position. What I have to do is reset my body back to a younger age than my chronological age. I suspect that the younger I want to be, the more time it will take to achieve. I have to erase 50 years of excess body baggage that accumulated due to bad eating habits!

I have goals in mind to reach such as a new body weight. I want to achieve other things like lower body fat percentages, better overall fitness, less inflammation, etc. Some goals I know, others will be determined. I will have to change my daily energy balance and nutritional intake to achieve these goals.

The blood work that I will do in January will show the reductions I have achieved in the first two months. Important measurements will include cholesterol, glucose, and other phenotypic markers. The Wim Hof measurements will also document my progress. Finally, Naked Labs has introduced a new 3D scanning and body composition technology  that I will use to show the changes. Unfortunately, shipping delays mean that I don’t have this equipment yet but I should have it in the next few weeks.

The Analytics

If you are have read this blog before, you know that I’m going to be collecting some data along the way. I will be using the Pro version of the Myfitnesspal app to collect, store and export the data. It goes without saying that this data will be sent through Alteryx and visualized in Tableau. Multiple regression modeling will be used to determine the most important factors that have created the new younger phenotype age. In other words, this data guy is going to be doing an experimental nutritional study on his own body!


This study is being designed by me, for me, with no direct input from anyone. I am not endorsing any product, person, or company. I have only mentioned my mentors and the tools/products that I will use to help people understand how I am doing this project.

I have never received any money from writing this blog and I never will. I will never put advertising on these pages. I do this work completely on my own, with the primary goals being to help people learn to do technical and scientific things and live better lives.

The results I will show will be honest and will be representative of my best efforts to collect complete data and to appropriately analyze the data that is collected during the study.

Upcoming in Part 2 – The Results from Week 1

Week 1 has been completed.  The changes have surprised me. Stay tuned for the next episode and thanks for reading.

One thought on “How I Am Making Changes to Live Longer (Project Reset – Part 1)

  1. Hi Ken, you continue to impress me, with your curiosity to learn and to experiment. I am going to stay tuned for your update, data guy 🙂 “this data guy is going to be doing an experimental nutritional study on his own body!”

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