A Message From My Mom, 56 Years Later



I have a great family. I can say that for many reasons. In this article, I will share with you an experience that I had tonight that still has me buzzing.


This week my family has spent time in Chicago visiting museums and my family (more on those things in upcoming articles). Tonight my wonderful sister Dorothy and her husband Dennis had a get-together at their house so that I could see some neices and nephews that I haven’t been able to see in a couple of years. This story took place just a few hours ago.

A Message From Mom

About a week ago, a box was delivered to my nephew Denny from another family member. After working a long hard day building a Microsoft Data Center (I’m unbelievably proud of him and his electrical work is beautiful!),  Denny went home to retrieve the box to bring it to our party.

Inside that box, was a smaller box with a collection of items from my lifetime. When my family members started looking into the box, they were saying things like: “Your report cards are in here!”.

Soon the box was brought over to me. Some of the pictures were ridiculously hilarious, of me in tiny shorts and tight white pants. My nieces were laughing hysterically, as was I!

Before long, the show stopper was pulled out of the box. It was a simple envelope. Here is the envelope with the message my Mom wrote exactly 56 years ago!



Inside that envelope are strands of my first hair cut when I was almost exactly 6 months old! I couldn’t believe it.

Here is a video I made of the experience.



Karma is the only explanation that could cause all the necessary events to align tonight for me to receive this gift from my Mom in heaven. It was sure a delight to experience this treasure!


Thanks for reading.

One thought on “A Message From My Mom, 56 Years Later

  1. This was really strange and wonderful all at the same time. We all miss your Mom and it is nice to see you doing so well.

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