Alteryx Strategies For Solving Tough Problems

This article describes some concepts and methods I use when building more advanced workflows. In some ways, writing workflows is analogous to writing computer programs. You have think critically about what you want to accomplish. By breaking the problem down into small pieces and solving those, complex workflows become more manageable.

Tableau and Backwards Compatibility

This article discusses how you can make changes to the
XML codes in a *.twb file to move a workbook to an earlier version of Tableau. The technique can help you get out of a jam at times if you inadvertently used a version of Tableau that is too new for your Tableau Server or for Tableau Public publications.

Benchmarking the Alteryx Fuzzy Matching Tool

I’m a guy that likes to know how things work. By its very nature, interpreting results from a fuzzy matching algorithm can be a bit fuzzy. The reduce the fuzziness, I got down and dirty and did a couple of sensitivity analyses on the fuzzy matching tool to gain a better understanding of how it works.